Tough Cases: Achieving All “Targets”

Test your knowledge of how to help your patients with type 2 diabetes achieve their blood glucose, blood pressure and lipid targets through coordinated team-based care. Walk through different case-based scenarios with this expert panel and identify opportunities to improve communication, develop treatment plans, and recognize barriers to achieving these targets, using the latest American Diabetes Association and American Heart Association guidelines.

Date: Thursday, September 15, 2022
Time: 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm ET

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify how to use shared decision making to achieve targets related to blood glucose, blood pressure, and lipid management for type 2 diabetes
  • Discuss barriers to achieve targets and solutions to address those barriers.
  • Develop treatment plans based on guideline-directed therapy to help patients achieve targets.

Robert Eckel, MD

Robert Eckel, MD (University of Colorado Hospital)

Om Ganda

Om Ganda, MD (Joslin Diabetes Center)

Sadiya Khan, MD, MSc

Sadiya Khan, MD, MSc (Northwestern Medicine)