How to Find Diabetes Support

Support Starts with your Healthcare Team

For diabetes care that will help you thrive, the right meds and habits can go a long way.

But a truly holistic plan doesn’t stop there – it also includes a strong support system. You may be doing great on your own for some things, but everyone struggles in some areas. Maybe you’re overwhelmed by all the information, or maybe you’re nervous about the future. It can often be stressful to manage everything.

We all need a little help and encouragement sometimes. Here are tips for building a support system to cheer you on, and give you the boost you need to stay motivated and positive.

Build your network

For support, you can look to people you know and trust or even expand your circles to include new friends. Everyone needs a shoulder to lean on and you might be surprised by how many people are willing to help. Some people who might be good partners on your journey:

Healthy Lifestyle Goals

Some ways to build a healthy lifestyle with diabetes:

With your support network in mind, start with just one area that you’d like to improve. The others will soon follow. Rallying support can help you stay focused so you can make it happen. Find answers to your questions and sign up to receive our monthly email with science-backed tips, recipes and more below.