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Explore resources from Know Diabetes by Heart to help people with type 2 diabetes better manage their risk for CVD.

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Most people would curl up in a little ball, but not her,” said her husband, Joe, who also lives with type 2 diabetes and has heart issues. “Jane’s a fighter.”
Diabetes and CKD
Diabetes and CKD
Tips for Talking to Your Doctor About Kidney Health in Spanish
Utiliza esta guía para obtener ideas sobre qué hacer antes de una consulta con el doctor, durante esta y después. También hay preguntas que puedes hacer sobre las enfermedades renales y cardíacas.
Tips for Talking to Your Doctor About Kidney Health
Use this guide for ideas about what to do before, during and after a doctor’s appointment. There are also questions you can ask about kidney and heart disease.
Monitoring Your Kidney Health with eGFR Tests in Spanish
La prueba de la tasa de filtración glomerular estimada (TFGe) es una forma de evaluar la salud de tus riñones.La prueba de la TFGe se realiza mediante un análisis de sangre sencillo.
Monitoring Your Kidney Health with eGFR Tests
What is the eGFR test? An estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) test is a way to check your kidney health. An eGFR test is done through a simple blood test. The test checks your creatinine level. Your doctor will consider this data, your age and sex to calculate your eGFR.
A Simple Test Can Make a Difference in Spanish
¿Qué es un análisis de UACR? Las personas que tienen diabetes tipo 2 deben tomar medidas preventivas para cuidar su salud cardiovascular, la cual es un sistema complejo que incluye los riñones.
A Simple Test Can Make a Difference
What Is a UACR Screening?Individuals living with type 2 diabetes should take preventive steps to take care of their cardio-vascular health—a complex system that includes the kidneys.
Monitoring Your Kidney Health with UACR Tests in Spanish
Con la prueba del cociente de microalbúmina-creatinina en orina (UACR, por sus siglas en inglés), se evalúa tu salud renal. La prueba se realiza mediante un sencillo análisis de orina para comprobar la cantidad de albúmina en la orina.