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Explore resources from Know Diabetes by Heart to help people with type 2 diabetes better manage their risk for CVD.

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Managing Your Diabetes Starts With Education
If you have type 2 diabetes, Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) Services will help you live well and navigate your direction, know-how, resources and support you need to succeed.
Type 2 Diabetes and Cholesterol – Spanish
Las personas con diabetes tienden a presentar niveles más bajos de colesterol “bueno” (HDL) y más altos de colesterol “malo” (LDL), lo que aumenta el riesgo de que sufran enfermedades cardíacas y ataques o derrames cerebrales. Lo que comes puede afectar tu colesterol.
Cooking for Everyone’s Preferences and Dietary Needs
Being a role model for healthy eating can be hard, but by offering a variety of healthier options, you are giving your family and guests opportunities to make healthier choices.
Preparing Healthy Meals for the Whole Family
Give these tips a try and healthy eating can be a family affair.
Tips for Traveling with Diabetes
The distance of your travel, length of time you will be gone and country you are visiting can all make a difference in your plans. Here are a few examples and tips for navigating.
7 Tips to Care for Your Heart When You Have Type 2 Diabetes
Add these seven tips to your self-care checklist to care for your heart and body to make all of your efforts count even more.
Tips for Building a Support System – Spanish
Puedes llevar una dieta saludable, tomar tus medicamentos y mantenerte activo. Pero no olvides contar con el apoyo de los miembros de tu equipo, quienes están dispuestos a ayudarte a tener éxito.
Tips for Building a Support System
You can make healthy food choices, take your meds and stay active. But don’t forget to get support from your team members who are eager to help you be successful.