Heart Health: The Link Between Type 2 Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease
Kidney disease is a common complication of type 2 diabetes. If you have type 2 diabetes and kidney disease, you’re at 3x higher risk of dying from a cardiovascular event like heart attack or stroke. There are actions you can take to reduce your risk.
Tips for Talking to Your Doctor About Kidney Health – Spanish
Use this guide for ideas about what to do before, during and after a doctor’s appointment. There are also questions you can ask about kidney and heart disease.
Available in English
Diabetes and CKD
Monitoring Your Kidney Health with eGFR Tests in Spanish
La prueba de la tasa de filtración glomerular estimada (TFGe) es una forma de evaluar la salud de tus riñones.La prueba de la TFGe se realiza mediante un análisis de sangre sencillo.
Available in English
Monitoring Your Kidney Health with eGFR Tests
What is the eGFR test? An estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) test is a way to check your kidney health. An eGFR test is done through a simple blood test. The test checks your creatinine level. Your doctor will consider this data, your age and sex to calculate your eGFR.
Available in Spanish
Monitoring Your Kidney Health with UACR Tests in Spanish
Con la prueba del cociente de microalbúmina-creatinina en orina (UACR, por sus siglas en inglés), se evalúa tu salud renal. La prueba se realiza mediante un sencillo análisis de orina para comprobar la cantidad de albúmina en la orina.
Available in English
Monitoring Your Kidney Health with UACR Tests
What is the UACR Test? A urine Albumin-to-Creatinine Ratio (uACR) test checks your kidney health. The test is done through a simple urine test to check the amount of albumin in your urine. Albumin is a type of protein, and too much of it can be a sign of kidney disease.
Available in Spanish
Type 2 and Kidney Health: What’s the Link?
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
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Learn the link between blood glucose (blood sugar) management and kidney health and how healthy lifestyle changes can benefit both.